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Using the John Gray Park '28 Library

Streaming Subscription Services


  • Faculty and students can point to to browse. 
  • Note:  The "share" links will work well for everyone on Kent networks but will not work for students off campus, who must route through the library site to Kanopy itself to search for the film they need.
  • After first enabling this on the campus network, users can then add the Kanopy app to their phone or iPad.


  • Browseable for teachers but not for students. Films in Swank are available only by assignment -- meaning students can only watch films you select and share with them
  • Requesting: the Swank library includes 200+ available films, but the full library includes 30,000+. If you see a film that has a "request" button, fill out the form, and we will add it within 24 hours.
  • To share/assign to students: post a link to the film (see "Share/Copy DIRECT link" at the bottom of any film) on your Canvas page (if they encounter trouble, email the direct link to them).

Drama Online:

  • In addition to providing access to educator resources, theater criticism, and nearly 2,000 scripts, the subscription library includes access to 100+ filmed theater productions from London's National Theatre, The Royal Shakespeare Company, Globe on Screen, and the BBC.

Seeking a film not available in one of these services?

We cannot establish a school account for Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc., but your options for in-class viewing are more open. Questions? Problems? Please be in touch with one of our wonderful librarians (EricJoe, and Laura), and we would be happy to help.


  • Browseable for teachers but not for students. Films in Swank are available only by assignment -- meaning students can only watch films you select and share with them
  • Requesting: the Swank library includes 200+ available films, but the full library includes 30,000+. If you see a film that has a "request" button, fill out the form, and we will add it within 24 hours.
  • To share/assign to students: post a link to the film (see "Share/Copy DIRECT link" at the bottom of any film) on your Canvas page. 


  • Faculty and students can point to to browse. 
  • Note:  The "share" links will work well for everyone on Kent networks but will not work for students off campus, who must route through the library site to Kanopy itself to search for the film they need.
  • After first enabling this on the campus network, users can then add the Kanopy app to their phone or iPad.

Drama Online:

  • In addition to providing access to educator resources, theater criticism, and nearly 2,000 scripts, the subscription library includes access to 100+ filmed theater productions from London's National Theatre, The Royal Shakespeare Company, Globe on Screen, and the BBC.