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Coulombe | Black American Studies

Reference Sources for Background Information

The reference collection is a great place to start your research, but it is important to know what kind of information a reference source offers. An encyclopedia may give you a broad overview of your topic and will help you identify search terms. This type of reference source will help you begin your research, but it should not be the foundation for a history research paper. Begin your research by using the print reference collection located at the front of the library or use one of the online reference databases.

Reference Databases

Source Reference

Background/reference information to start your research.

African-American History

Covering more than 500 years of the AfricanAmerican experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture.

U.S. History In Context

An overview of the U.S.’s past that covers the most-studied events, and decades.

American History Online

A virtual library of American history for educators, students, and researchers of all ages.

Issues and Controversies in History

By building a deeper understanding of how historical events