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Thomsen | Advanced Studies in U.S. Government and Politics: How to make a Bibliography

Chicago Style Bibliography

  1. The sources you used to research your paper are all gathered together in a “Bibliography” which is attached to the end of the paper.
  2. Create the bibliography as you gather your sources, to help you keep track of where you found your information! This will also help you with your footnotes as you create outlines and drafts of your paper.
  3. Citations in the Bibliography are alphabetized by author’s last name, or by title if there is no author, and are aligned to the left margin in the first line, with all subsequent lines indented (a hanging tab).
  4. Include page range whenever possible – for example, if you used a chapter in your textbook, include those pages in the citation.

Chicago Manual Bibliography Page Citation Guide

CMS Citation has been broken down into three sections: Print Sources, Online Sources, and Online Periodicals. For further examples and instruction, ask a teacher, librarian, or stop by the Academic Resource Center.

Examples of Citations for Online Sources


Lopes, Paul. Demanding Respect: The Evolution of the American Comic Book. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central.  


Newspaper published online:

Nordheimer, Jon. “Nationalists Urge a New Irish State.” New York Times, May 3, 1984.

Examples of Citations for Online Periodicals

CMS periodical citations include author name, article title, publication title, publication date, and issue information. CMS also requires the name of the database for journals accessed online. For sources from the open web, include the access date and URL/DOI. 

Scholarly Journal Article from a Library Database:

Siegel, Fred. "Clown Politics: Report on the International Clown-Theatre Congress." TDR (1988-) 36, no. 2 (1992): 182-86. JSTOR.

Online Magazine/Newspaper Article: 

With URL:       

Piggy, M. “Of Frogs and Men.” Nature. February 19, 2005. Accessed January 12, 2016.

With DOI:

Stokstad, Erik. "Loss of Dung Beetles Puts Ecosystems in Deep Doo-Doo." Science 305, no. 5688 (2004): 1230. Accessed January 12, 2016. doi:10.1126/science.305.5688.1230a.

Examples of Citations for Print Sources

Basic Book Format:

Lastname, Firstname. Title of the Book. Publication City: Publisher, Year.



Cole, Joshua, and Judith Coffin G. Western Civilizations: Their History & Their Culture. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012.


Daily Newspaper (print):

West, Kanye. “I’ma Let You Finish.” Los Angeles Times, September 3, 2009.